Day 45. Sunday, September 11, 2011. - Funny Money

so this week i did a lot of shopping... i went into town probably at least 4 times. i bought a pair of jeans, a hoodie, a purse, and a watch... along with several candy items. the whole money thing is starting to hit me i mean how do they expect you to do everything you want with 75 euros a month? all of these kids that wear abercrombie and hollister are screwed unless mommy and daddy buy it for them. i mean the cheapest you can get a pair of jeans (really really cheap jeans) is 20 euros... thats about 30 bucks. soon i am going to have to buy a winter jacket. thats a 100 euros for a good one... my little rain jacket was 40. i have to pay for all the stuff i want to do while im here like kirmes and the movies and what ever else. so yeah moneys like ehh right now. and all i brought with me is t-shirts. walking to school in winter is going to be really fun. wednesday was one of the days i went shopping... i also went to the movies to see Letters to Juliet in Enlgish (almost made me cry). so i went into town then at 330 i started to walk towards the movie theater. now i didnt exactly know where it was at but i knew it was right around the Round-a-bout. so i walked and came across the post office. i needed to send some stuff so i did. then walked some more. then got to the round-a-bout and picked a street that looked familiar. wrong choice. i walked like a mile down the road then walked into a bakery and asked for directions to the theater. they told me to go back and to the Round-a-bout and go left. i walked out the door and its starts raining. yayyy. so i walked down to the round-a-bout and went left. that was the street i came off of! so i walked down it to make sur i didnt miss it and i didnt. i went into another bakery and they told me to go back to the round-a-bout and go left again. i did and finally came to the movie theater and i was so tired. now the mission was to find my friends. i got my "english snack" of a cookie, some type of tea stuff, and a type of cake, ate it and headed for the theater. on my way in i found anna lina (one of my future host sisters) and told her the story and she offered to take me home after which was great. then i found the girls from my class who had invited me. we watched the movie which was really good then went home. i was exhausted but over all it was a good day. most of this week was good... other than the cold and rain which is getting really old. friday night i went to franzi's for her birthday. we went to the kimres in her town and went on the spinny ride a few times and had a pretty good night... there were a lot of gummie candies involved like every meeting between these 6 or 7 people. the next few weeks are going to be insane. i go to the inbound meet and greet on sunday and then i change host families when i get home. then the next weekend is the Inbound weekend so i spend 3 days with all of the other exchange students.
                        MORE FROM KATHARINA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY                                  

THIS IS THE GANG: me clara luise luisa charlotte franziska katharina and jenny

i am so strong i can hold up the room... even while standing on tippy toes lol

at the top of the tower... while walking 15 mins and stepping on the dead bird

this is what the stair case to the top of the tower was

                                                        PICTURES OF THE WEEK                                                

the castle in Koblenz

the car is literally green: its covered in moss

buga is a huge flower exhibit that is held in a different country every year... this year it is in Koblenz at the castle

TJ MAXX... but wait look closer: TK MAXX

first pizza hut ive seen in germany

little kid playing in fountain lol

a really big fountain... i never got a chance to read the sign (see pics above)

this picture i could probably give a 1000 words for. laura took me here to show me the fountain while peggy and andreas were in the armani store. shes like sometimes water comes out of the boy's mouth but i dont know when. i took this picture then she told me to look at the sign on the ground. i go to take a picture and SPLUSHHHHH! the kid sprays water out of his mouth all over me! my head was soaked my ice cream was wet and so was my camera. i was like you knew that was going to happen didnt you and all she could do was laugh and try to say that she didnt know. apparently it only happens every half hour or something but i guess im just lucky... at least i didnt do anything with my hair that day.
all week after Katharina's birthday party i thought i felt something poking me in the foot... i joked that it was a bird bone from stepping on the dead bird... on thursday i finally remembered to look at my shoe to see in the was a rock in it like i thought: turns out it was a nail! it poked through my shoe through my sole of my shoe (see below) ripped a hole in every sock i wore on my left foot that week, and tore a hole in my foot. my poor feet are being abused so much walking, blisters, and now a nail whats next?

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the best sandwich ever... peanut butter, bananas and nutella

art class... sebastian stole my camera

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