Day 3. Monday August 1, 2011.

Today was very fun. i slept in until 1130 and got up and took a shower. by the time i got out peggy was home from work and making lunch.  lunch was spaghetti. i was like "yes! something i know and i like!" WRONG! they make the spaghetti with butter and oil and you top it with meat that is mixed with very little sauce. and then how they eat it... before i explain spaghetti i will explain every meal...

they hold their fork in their left hand and knife in their right. their knife is used to push everything onto their fork. and they do not take little bites... when they put something on the fork, the fork is completely full. it takes me a good 5 minutes longer to eat than every one else... and they have huge portions.

okay now spaghetti: they hold their fork in their left and a giant spoon in their right (the spoon looks like a tennis ball could easily fit in it) they put a little bit of spaghetti on the fork and then put the end of the fork to the middle of the spoon and spin the fork.  this allows you to use the spoon as a kind of bowl to hold what you are spinning. Peggy says this is the Italian way to eat pasta.  FYI: I suck at it.

After lunch, Laura's friend Selina came over. we all walked the dog together and had fun trying to figure out what they were trying to say in english. there were a few words i knew like teuer which means expencive. then after the walk we went into town. we walked around and went to get ice cream. there were so many choices. a lot of the things on the menu had fruit in them. i got one that was vanilla ice cream (and some kind of ice cream  that was green and fruity almost like watermelon) and it had apples, grapes, kiwi, and strawberries on it and tons of whipped cream. it was like 3.50 euros so it wasn't too "teuer".  while we were sitting there a guy walked by who must have been drunk. he didnt have shoes on and his pants were backwards and his butt was hanging out. also right next to us (this is going to be difficult to explain) were 3 people who were laying on chairs with their heads hanging off. they stuck their heads through holes in a bed sheet. then they put their shirts (the collar part as if you were going to put the shirt on) over most of their face so that just their mouths and chins were sticking out. then they drew eyes on their chin so it looked like a face if you were standing and watching them. (similar to if u made a face out of the side of you hand and your thumb). then they were singing and talking.  Laura was like oh my god what is wrong with people today this is not every day in Montabaur.

downtown montabaur

After ice cream we went to the bank and to the beauty supply store then to Andreas and Peggy's office.  then we went home and hung out in laura' s room. later when dinner was ready laura was trying to translate the word that means in a few minutes. when she looked it up on google it translated to "in a jiffy". she loved this. she thought it was so funny and kept saying it all that night. after dinner i came upstairs and started watching some tv (my tv is on the computer because felix is a tech guy and has everything hooked up to his computer) and talking to john on facehook.  then i went downstairs to the lounge area and sat and talked with tobias and peggy and andreas for a while. then i went to my room and talked to john for a bit then to bed at 12.

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