Day 2. Sunday July 31, 2011.

i got up and had the weird breakfast again. this time i had peanut butter on my bread. Peggy tried some. she said she didnt think that she would be able to eat it lol. then after breakfast, peggy told me i could do what ever i want. hmm... what ever i want. well at home i would go to my boyfriends house, so what should i do here... ok facebook. so until i go to school and make some friends and learn my way around the town, i spend my extra time on facebook. later that day peggy and tobias and i went on a walk with the dog and they showed me more of the town.  then after the walk we walked to Peggy's parents house and had cake. so first, her parents: they are both very nice but her mother doesnt speak any english... except one sentence that she remembers from when she was in school (she quit school when she was 14). now the cake: completely homemade. cake on the bottom and plums on the top. then you put whipped cream on top. (the german word for cream and teeth are very close and i got a little confused). then after that cake they brought out another cake. this cake was a strudel cake i think. both were very good.  after spending time there and meeting Peggy's sister and 2 of her 3 kids (one would not come inside because he was afraid of the american), we went back to the house. a little later we went to an outdoor art gallery. it is in an old army area from world war 2.  there were computer generated sculptures and garbage stones (the artist threw all of his scrap art materials in a huge pile on the floor and it started to make a shape. he covered it in some type of tape and then it became a garbage stone and now there are thousands of them and a full gallery of them.) and a lot of other things. i was very happy to get back to the car. it was so cold, so was the day before.  we went home and had dinner. dinner that night was steaks and pork chops and grilled vegetables and fried potatoes. i had a steak and some of the veggis and some potatoes. i didnt like the eggplant though. then after dinner i went to bed. it was only 8 oclock .  i ended up waking  up at 1 in the morning and couldnt go back to sleep until 3.

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