Day 4. Tuesday, August 2, 2011.

Today was a vey busy day! Peggy woke me up at 10 and i jumped in the shower and got ready. then we ate breakfast (i had peanut butter toast) and headed out. First we went to the city hall and file my paperwork that said i was living here in montabaur. Then we went to my bank and set up my account so the Rotary can give me my allowance.  then we went to the store and got food and pepsi for me since i dont like the water.  then we went home and had lunch. it was something that we bought at the store. it was frozen and looked like a giant flat tader-tot that was stuffed with stuff... idk what the stuff was but one had cheddar and the other mozzarella. they were pretty good. then we had salad too... its a good thing i tasted the dressing before i put it on... it tasted like vinegar and tartar sauce.  then peggy made me another kind of dressing that was water and oil and some stuff out of a box. it was better than the other.  then the salad wouldnt stay on the fork so i had to go german and use my knife... i wish i could just use chop sticks i am better with those.

Laura printed off my school schedule for me:

my school schedule
the bottom blocks on monday and tuesday i only go to every other week. I have a choice between french or latin. for religion i go to a class for kids without a religion. History and/or Geography and/or social studies will be taught in english (i am in a bilingual class)
Translation: Biologie - biology, Franzorsisch - french, Latein - Latin, Deutsch - German, Englisch - English, Religion - religion, Physik - Physics, Mathe - Math, Musik- Music, Kunst - art, Erdkunde - Geography, Socialkunde - social studies, Chemie - Chemistry, Sport - Gym

a little while later peggy and i took Merlin for a walk and she took me to my school. the back side of the school has a great view of the castle. then we walked home. it was sooo hot. we got home and all we wanted to do was lay down and take a nap. but we didnt. we got ready and went to her sister's house for her birthday.  on the way we stopped by one of my future host family's house and talked to my future host mom for a few minutes.  was stayed at her sister's for about 1 and 1/2 hours. we had the plum cake again and another traditional german cake: it has vanilla cake then chocolate cake and cherries with a kind of whipped cream/ icing on top with chocolate over that. VERY good.  i also got to meet Peggy's other sister.  i practiced a little more of my german while we were there too. after we left there we went home and played 2 rounds of Skip Bo. Peggy won the first and i won the second.  then i had to go get ready for my first rotary club meeting.

Montabaur Castle from my school
Andreas came and picked me up just before seven and we drove to the castle for the meeting. this was a different meeting though. it was their monthly dinner meeting where they just have dinner and talk alot. we got there and i talked to a few people for a few minutes then the president asked me to write my name and my town and state on his paper.  then we sat down and people said things in german then they allowed me to introduce myself (in english thank god). i talked about home, school, chambersburg, my village outside of chambersburg, how you cant walk anywhere, and some other stuff, and then more people said more things in german then we ate. dinner was US beef (ironic) and carrots and potatoes and greenbeans... i wasnt very hungry so i didnt eat very much.  the guy next to me talked to me a little bit and i showed him where chambersburg is on his phone. then when everyone was eating i just kind of sat there because i couldnt understand anything. it was really awkward for me to just sit there and pick at my food. then dessert came. it was a dish of fruit with some fruit that i had never seen before and there was a small dish made of chocolate that was filled with some sort of red ice cream that tasted like it had alcohol in it. it was pretty good.

After dinner alot of the people went outside and had drinks. i talked with my YEO (youth exchange officer) Ina for most of the time. her daughter is going to be in my class and wanted to come to the meeting but she was sick. so i will meet her in school and she offered to sit next to me on my first day so at least i wont be the loner lol. while we were sitting there a giant bee flew into one of the beer glasses (that are over a foot high) and Ina saw it and while almost having a heart attack she put a coaster over it then a waitress came by and picked up the glass and put it on her try. Ina was kind of yelling that there was a bee in the glass and the waitress threw the tray on the table and the glass tipped over and Ina and the waitress both ran away and i just sat there. the bee flew away and Ina came back and couldn't calm down. finally she did. then it was time to leave. Andreas and I came home, talked with peggy for a little while in the living room (i told them about Dusty, my grandma's chiwawa that weighed about 15 pounds because my great grandpa fed it 3 Mcdonald's hamburger patties a day) and then we went to bed.

when i went upstairs i talked to john and we got on skype. bad idea. 15 seconds after he started his video  all of our memories flooded my mind and it hit me. im not going to have any of that for a year. we havent even been together for a year. so needless to say i started crying and i went to bed. this was the first really hard time i have had. not that i dont want to be here its just we have been so close for so long that its hard with out him. but this is my year and i am going to enjoy it and find at least 2 new hobbies (this is my goal that i just came up with) so when i go home i have something to keep me busy... as if school wont but hey.

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