Day 6. Thursday, August 4, 2011.

okay. today was a very interesting day. well kinda. i didnt wake up until noon. got up took a shower. a little while later Peggy got home and started lunch. we had chicken that was covered in cornflakes and fried in a pan. it tasted american! lol. a little after lunch laura and i took merlin for his walk (if you haven't noticed we take the dog for a walk everyday after lunch). then we came home and there were people here that are going to fix something and when they left laura and her friend went to do their paper route. about 15 minutes after they left, Merlin was barking at the door so i went down and there was someone putting something in the mailbox. so i opened the door and of course the dog runs out and i follow him. well guess who isn't used to having to carry a key around to unlock the door... ME. so i got locked out. i took the dog to the back yard and we sat for at least an hour until laura got home and let us inside. we came inside and recovered from the heat and i went back to my living room. i organized my pins and other america things on the shelves and went back to tv and blogging. when tobias came home i told him what happened, he told Andreas, and when peggy got home, she came up and asked "so how was your day in the garden?". so now i am taking my key almost every where with me.

dinner was all of the stuff we have for breakfast. i tried to try a lot of different things this time. there was something that kinda tasted like mashed potatoes and gravy (my host family does not know what gravy is though). there was a meat salad that tasted like bologna salad and some other things that were not too bad.

Then i watched tv for a little. there is a channel that is called Kabel 1 and its commercials go "eins eins baby" like the song "ice ice baby" (eins = one... cable 1). i love that song haha.

today was also laundry day for me. some people had asked on facebook about the washers and dryers. they look pretty much the same... the washer is mostly the same but the dryer is different. instead of having a vent that goes outside all of the water collects in a compartment that you have to pull out and empty every time you use it.

tomorrow is my first german lesson so i am off to bed.

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